About Lakeland Fly Dressers
Lakeland Fly Dressers were formed in 1990 by a group of like-minded anglers wishing to meet up socially, tie flies, gain knowledge from more experienced anglers and fly tyers and also pass on their knowledge to others.
We run a series of fly tying classes at the beginning of every year and there is a beginners group, an intermediate group – Trout loch style, river patterns, nymphs etc. and a Salmon/Sea Trout class.
These classes are very popular and represent amazing value, a lot of knowledge is shared at these classes by some of the best fly tiers in the country. Even if you have never tied a fly before you will learn all the basics needed at these classes and be confident to tie flies the rest of the season. The social fly-tying events is a real font of knowledge.
During the year we have interesting evenings including talks/slide shows from well known anglers, fly tying demos, fishing competitions, fly tying competitions, quiz evenings etc.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at The Club Inn, Endmoor, Nr Kendal, Cumbria LA8 0EU at 7.30 pm.
New members are always welcome to join us.